
Not Marble Nor Gilded Monuments

Not Marble nor the Gilded Monuments by William Shakespeare: Summary and Assay

Not Marble not the Gilded Monuments by William Shakespeare is composed in the form of sonnet giving the importance of rhyme or poetry over marble or monuments. The speaker takes the side of powerful rhyme against marble or monuments. The statue of prince is transitory and destructive but the rhymes are eternal.

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Co-ordinate to the poet, poetry volition smoothen more vivid in the verses than whatsoever dust-covered stone, ravaged by fourth dimension. In the poem the poet says: "Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Of princes, shall outlive this powerful rhyme; But you shall shine more than bright in these contents Than unswept stone, besmear'd with sluttish fourth dimension."

The devastating war will overturn statues and conflicts destroy the mason's handiwork. But both the sword of Mars (Wars) and effects of war (burn) can't destroy the living tape of poet'southward memory. The poesy is eternalized thing that is not won past gold plated shrines and marble of the princess. The dust covered grave stone may be lost, but the poetic lines of the poets are forever. The verse form has focused on the achievement of the poet's works as greater than statues of prince and event of war. Something that is eternal tin can't be compared to temporary man article. At this level, Shakespeare comes to conclude that nothing can defeat the powerful rhyme that contains the sound of the lover's middle. Putting rhyme at the acme of human sentiment and emotion, Shakespeare has pushed the monuments of princess to the characterization of inferiority.

This comparison is directly and indirect, visible and invisible, implicit and explicit, subtle and clear and so on. Here, marble can be symbolized with various ideas and earthly existences. It stands for material involvement, artificial world, man-made beauty. On the other hand, rhyme represents the idea of love, spirituality, human sentiment, originality, and an eternity of love and passion. Rhyme is strict and information technology doesn't take whatsoever conscious attempt for its creation. In comparison to marble, rhyme is powerful, memorable, brighter, time to come-oriented, shining, touchy- feely, cute, pleasant and permanent. Nothing of fourth dimension and its unlucky events can destroy the charm and pleasure of any rhyme. Rhyme is the product of lover'southward attachment, commitment, and devotion to the romance and romantic vision of life. Such poetic contents are always far from sluttish time, enmity of decease, unseen threats, war and weapon and fearfulness of the judgment twenty-four hours. Bogus marbles and monuments may wait enormous and attractive, just only for a few days. Information technology can't exist permanently, fugitive the misfortunes of the time, war, death, shift of culture and the generation gap. Rhyme is always inclusive whereas marble is isolated and deprived of permanent recognition, respect, and long-term dignity.

This sonnet has the characteristics of dramatic setting every bit the poet refers 'Y'all' in tertiary and 10th lines. This 'you lot' refers to the poet or poetess or any artist who creates eternal monuments as a slice of fine art. Moreover the poem too talks about the past events of king and queen. This is narrative quality which comments about the state of war, kings and their statues with the description of the by events. The narration inside the poetic expression presents the view nigh the position of war, the king and any literary person proved that this sonnet is narrative too. The visual images that the poet uses here can exist felt are 'aureate monuments', 'unswept stone besmear'd' (dust-covered gravestone) and 'shall smoothen more than vivid' when we read the sonnet.

The poetic lines of this poem are strong enough to have the liveliness of the poet and poetess. And so the poet sees the prince as nothing greater in front of the poesy. The destructiveness of the monument is nada. So the poet speaks to favor the immortality of the poet / poetess in this poem.

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Sharma, Kedar Northward. "Non Marble nor the Gilded Monuments by William Shakespeare: Summary and Analysis." BachelorandMaster, 24 Apr. 2018,

Not Marble Nor Gilded Monuments,


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